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An in-person event only. No need to sign up, just come along – all are welcome.

The presentation will explore the history of bituminous geomembranes from its origins in the 1930s and subsequent development during World War II for the rapid construction of military roads and runways right up to the current day.

These materials were manufactured in large quantities in support of the Allied air and land forces and were to play a significant role in battles of the Burma campaign and in the immediate aftermath of the Normandy landings. In Asia they were used to create airfields and all-weather roads, keeping supply lines open and enabling fast movement of troops, particularly during the monsoon season. In northern France and Belgium in 1944/45 they allowed rapid surfacing of temporary or expedient airfields by sealing the ground and maintaining the existing soil’s bearing capacity, thereby enabling close tactical air support to be maintained with rapidly advancing ground forces.

About the Speakers

Eugene Gallagher is an associate geotechnical engineer with Coffey Geotechnics based in Manchester, where he acts as a focus for geosynthetics and containment engineering and consults internationally.

William Craig is now a visiting academic, formerly Reader in geotechnical engineering, at Manchester University and past chair of the British Geotechnical Society. 

Bill and Eugene will discuss the historical aspects of the development and deployment of bituminous geomembranes based on their research into its wartime use.

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