‘Images of Steam Engines – 1712 to ca.1870 and later’ by Professor David Perrett
8th May 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
An in-person only event – just turn up, there’s no need to register
Throughout the 18th century Newcomen engines and especially their engine house appeared frequently in prints and occasionally paintings. However, the earliest illustrations are a mix of artistic impressions and rather odd technical explanations. By the Victorian era such landscape images had started to fade. Technical drawings that aided manufacture, however, became much better. Later the illustrated newspapers quickly commissioned images of disasters.
This talk will draw together many of the surviving images that have been discovered in books and galleries.
About the Lecturer
David Perrett is Emeritus Professor of Bioanalytical Science at Barts Medical School, QMUL, London with over 250 research publications. He is a Past President of the Newcomen Society, President of the Greater London Industrial Archaeology (GLIAS) and Chair of the Association for Industrial Archaeology. His interests include early steam engines and IA both at home and abroad.