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On-line event only – please email meetings.syorks@newcomen.com for zoom link

The 1925 Centenary Celebrations were held on 2nd July, 1925, attended by the Duke and Duchess of York, who spent the night at Heaton Carriage Sidings at Fencehouses. The locomotive a D20 4-4-0 No. 2110, arrived at Fencehouses at 9.35 a.m., ready to form the 10.00 a.m. special train to the main viewing stand.

About the Speaker

Les Turnbull graduated in history at Durham University and worked as a schoolmaster, university lecturer and senior education adviser. Upon retirement he became a volunteer at NEIMME where now serves as a member of Council.

Les has written several books on the history of mining and his particular interest, the early railways of the Great Northern Coalfield. He is frequently called upon to lecture both within the region and beyond.

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