Steam locomotives of British Railways
Steam locomotives of British Railways The below text is from Wikipedia's entry for the Steam Locomotives of British Railways The steam locomotives of British Railways were used by [...]
The Ardnacrusha HEP Station
The Ardnacrusha HEP Station The below text is from Wikipedia's entry for the Shannon Hydroelectric Scheme (Ardnacrusha HEP Station). The Shannon hydroelectric Scheme was a major development by [...]
Battersea Power Station
Battersea Power Station The below text is from Wikipedia's entry for Battersea Power Station Battersea Power Station is a decommissioned coal-fired power station located on the south bank [...]
Newcomen Society Annual Conference & Tour
Newcomen Society Annual Conference & Tour This summer's Newcomen Society Annual Conference & Tour will be held in Teesside from Friday 13 to Tuesday 17 July 2018. The [...]
Help required by Hollycombe Steam Collection
Help required by Hollycombe Steam Collection Hollycombe is a nationally important steam collection of historic engines who is rebuilding its Sawmill - a project titled ‘Trees To The Trenches’ [...]